Practical insights on deal-making covering licensing, partnering and M&A in the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, diagnostics and medical devices sector -get acquainted with state-of-the-art concepts and practices.

A Complete Guide to Pharma and Biotech Valuation and Best Practices

Mastering the Valuation of Pharma and Biotech Assets and Businesses Properly valuing drug and biotechnology assets is essential for pharmaceutical enterprises, biotech companies, investors, and other healthcare stakeholders. Valuation provides…

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The Complete Dealmaking Guide to Out-licensing and Partnering for Pharma and Biotech Companies

Essential Strategies for Successful Out-Licensing and Partnering in Pharma and Biotech Industry Dealmaking in the pharmaceutical and biotech industries plays a pivotal role in fostering growth and innovation. Partnering and…

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Why Scientific Due Diligence Is Most Critical for Pharma and Biotech Licensing Deals

Key Success Factor in Pharma Search and Evaluation and Due Diligence Licensing and partnering are critical growth strategies in the biopharma industry. The effectiveness of licensing and partnership relies heavily on…

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Leveraging Comparative Evaluation in Due Diligence of Biopharma In-Licensing and Partnering Deals

Enhancing Biopharma Licensing and Partnering Through Comparative Evaluation The biopharmaceutical industry landscape is constantly evolving, and in-licensing and partnering deals are vital corporate strategies for driving innovation, devising new products,…

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Effectively Using EBITDA Multiples for Pharma Company Valuation

Leveraging EBITDA Multiples for Accurate Pharma Company Valuations Determining the valuation of pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies is a crucial exercise to inform high-impact decisions including organic investments and prioritization, licensing…

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Biotech Partnering & Out-licensing Deals: Expediting by Looking Beyond Usual Suspects

How to Expedite Biotech Partnering & Out-Licensing Deals by Looking Beyond Traditional Prospects Partnering and out-licensing are central to the growth of life sciences companies, especially for emerging pharmaceutical and…

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Pharma Business Development: Effectively Leverage Competitive Intelligence for In-licensing Deals

How to Leverage Competitive Intelligence for Smarter In-Licensing Deals for Pharma Business Development and Corporate Development Pharma Business Development and Licensing (BD&L) activities covering pharmaceutical licensing and partnering are integral…

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